Sunday, November 21, 2010

Three tadpoles
3 tadpoles enlarged.  First good photo of them.


These photos are the best I could get so far, will have to experiment with lighting and background more. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

No photos this time, but there are about 7 or 8 tadpoles that move in their little transparent eggs.  Unfortunately, the camera I have does not take photos that are close enough to see the tadpoles.  If any survive to become a bigger size I'll try for another photo.  

Right now they look like a tiny, gold threads with a knot at the end.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Floating eggs

 The dots floating just under the surface of the water are little eggs, probably some are fertile.  Unfortunately they did not last through the day as the frogs were very active, swimming to the top and down rapidly.  By the end of the day there were few eggs floating.  They were not very visible from the top, but show up well from underneath, as seen in these two photos. 


The male holds the female who then swims all around laying eggs, the male releases sperm to fertilize the eggs.  Not many survive, if any at all, as the PH and temperature need to be carefully modulated.  I may try to move some to the small cube to see if any do make it. 

Exploring new aquarium

The Frogs got to explore the new aquarium, after spending some time hiding under the little bridge they cautiously began to move around.  The bubbles are from an air pump that had to be removed as it was too strong, creating too much turbulence for African Dwarfs.  Still want to put in a plant, but have not found a good one that fits the tank. 

African Dwarf Frogs 2010

They look up when I feed them
Watching me take a photo
Frogs were left in this tiny cube, a good way to transport them.